Home > About us > Support us
Friends are golden
Thanks to the support of friends, we can continue to provide great concerts. We do our utmost to entice you into a long-term relationship with us through our performances. We hope that you will decide to remain a friend year after year!
We offer you two attractive packages, you can make a choice below.
For new friends in the last period of the year (after our last concert), their contribution already applies for the following calendar year.
You can transfer the contribution to us in the following ways:
Directly via the links below
“Friend of the Philips Choir” (for €95 or more)
“Friend of the Philips Choir” (for €30 or more)
or by transferring it yourself to:
NL83 RABO 0133 6086 89
in the name of Philipskoor Eindhoven
mentioning Vriend van het Philipskoor
One-time donation
All contributions count, even one-time donations! You support us with every amount.
Directly via the link below
“One-time donation Philipskoor”
or by transferring it yourself to:
NL83 RABO 0133 6086 89
in the name of Philipskoor Eindhoven
mentioning One-time donation Philipskoor
Thank you in advance!